Monday, April 28, 2008

Meeting at New Carolina

(Above Amy Love, communications director at New Carolina, opened Mary Lammers postcard from Eagle River, Alaska. Click on image to enlarge.)

Today was another meeting in which I had the opportunity to pitch CYBER FYBER. It was held at New Carolina. It went very well; but, to be honest, I'm a little depressed...and a little thankful.

I'm happy that my days aren't filled with meetings, that I don't have to seek funding for employment, and that I'm not part of any bureaucracy. I've always DONE things...I was a part time typist/secretary in high school. I waited tables. I delivered singing and dancing telegrams. I started my own business framing pictures. I'm an artist. I DO things...everyday...something always gets accomplished.

Rarely do I spend hours and hours, days upon days, weeks after weeks...planning, interfacing, scheduling, or just talking about remote possibilities and future endeavors. I have an idea, decide on an action plan, and do the work. That's how I approached CYBER FYBER and probably why most people recognize how organized it is. That's also why others are impressed that so much has many trades, so many countries and states, so many plans in place.

I'm a bit depressed, of course, because that's not how things are done in the corporate world. The meeting didn't generate any funds...but it did provide positive feedback and discussion. It might lead to more meetings, introductions to businesses related to the textile industry, and new ideas. Thankfully, I've got a few ideas of my own...a quiet action plan that just might have to be put into action if all this networking is just a bunch of unattached wires.

Well, there's my rant for the day. The meeting did include a few major highlights....unopened envelopes were presented. There is always a rush when a lovely textile creation appears inside. The images here depict that excitement.

By the way, today, April 28, is my personal SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF BLOGGING! I'm having my first ever "give away" on my blog. Overall, the fabulous postcards and ATC that were unveiled this afternoon and this anniversary make today truly special!

(Above: Andy Witt, executive director of the Richland and Lexington Cultural Council, opened Lora Martin's postcard from Santa Barbara, California. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Lindsey Spires, administrative and research assistant at New Carolina, opened Sarah Graham's ATC. Click on image to enlarge. Sarah is the only person from my hometown with whom I've traded. She and I met last Thursday night in my studio during the annual spring art event, Artista Vista. She had agreed to help me with ATC Trading Day, January 17, 2009!)

(Above: Amy Love opened Sharon Schutt's postcard and ATC from Fort Wayne, Indiana. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Andy Witt opened Karen Wentworth's postcard from South Africa. Click on image to enlarge.)

(Above: Lindsey Spires opened Myfanwy Hart's postcard from the UK. Click on image to enlarge.)

1 comment:

Lindsey Spires said...

What an inspiring meeting!
Great work Susan!