Monday, March 10, 2008


The last of the postcards is now in its envelope waiting to go to Finland! All 163 are gone. I haven't posted in several days....but....I've been busy with CYBER FYBER.

First, I've got a big meeting with all sorts of "heads" of things this Wednesday...with the head of the local Cultural Council, the head of Downtown Columbia Development, and the heads of some corporations and/or businesses that might sponsor CYBER FYBER with funds or in-kind services. I've been working on my budget, creating a packet of material about the exhibition, and preparing for the meeting.

In the meantime, Steve solved the issue with the scanner. It now works again...just won't open using PhotoShop for some reason. The three-ring binders are ready to process and accept the trades in an organized fashion...labels and everything! I'll be getting the time I need this week because Steve is leaving for England tomorrow. He'll be seeing Mathias dance the principal role of Benno in Birmingham Royal Ballet's Swan Lake. Here at home, work slows to a crawl when one of us is away.

I am thinking about doing another round of trades in May...with those who haven't traded yet. I have two more older pieces that can go under the rotary cutter. I'll post photos of them soon...before cutting! I just bought a new digital camera that Steve can take my older one to England.


Doreen G said...

Congratulations Susan on all the postcards being traded it must feel very satisfying to have achieved such a fantastic result.

Pallas said...

You have quite a job ahead, but you also seem very organized so that should help it go smoothly for you. I am happy to be part of this project.
